Monday, December 30, 2019

Civil War In The Rio Grande Valley - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 599 Downloads: 10 Date added: 2019/05/18 Category History Essay Level High school Tags: Civil War Essay War Essay Did you like this example? The Civil War was a major discussion in the Rio Grande Valley such as like financially, socially, and politically. Mexicans Americans were among the first to wage war for the Confederacy, and were among the last to surrender. Cotton being the Souths most attractive product, the Souths cotton exports were the all-important to its funding for the war effort were transported over the Rio Grande into Mexico for shipment to business sectors over the Atlantic. It has been evaluated that a thousands of Mexican Americans served in the positions of the Confederacy. Over and above 60,000 Texans served in the war, and some Texans fought for the union but most of them for the confederacy. Mexicans who battled for the Confederacy surpassed the measure of Mexicans battling for the Association. There were many inspiring for Mexicans that wanted to join the Confederate armed force. The expanding threats between the Federals and Alliance in Virginia, and the danger of Association control of the Texas drift powers individuals all over Texas to join the Alliance, and Mexicans were no exemption. Mexican fighters entered Confederate administration permeated with indistinguishable patriotism from their Somewhat English confidants did. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Civil War In The Rio Grande Valley" essay for you Create order During the time of the American civil war, the Rio Grande pulled in consideration with the indispensable terminal for the Confederate cotton exchange. At the point when the United States maritime boats closed ports from Virginia to Texas, Confederate pioneers transported their white gold over the Rio Grande, stacked it on Mexican leads, and cruised it securely past the barring powers, it attracted a variety of people from all over the world (including gamblers, swindlers, and smugglers) to the region hoping to cash in. For quite a long time, exchange through the district continued the Confederate war exertion. As the Federal blockades closed the Confederate coastline, Mexico became a vital outlet for southerners to export their cotton. In spite of the fact that, the US army force did quickly involve towns of the Rio Grande Valley and hindered the stream of cotton southward, vessels loaded up with cotton kept on utilizing the waterways waters, unhampered for the length of the war. Confederates were led by Colonel Santos Benavides, he was the highest ranking Tejano to serve the confederacy. Colonel Santos Benavides, helped make possible the safe passage of cotton across the Rio Grande to Mexico during the union occupation of the lower Rio Grande valley in 1863-64. In the last land clash of the Civil War in the east of Brownsville at Palmito Ranch happened multi month right after Gen. Robert E. Lee surrendered to General US Grant at Appomattox Courthouse, Virginia. Five hundred Union Soldiers on their approach to Brownsville stood up to three hundred Confederate officers. Following the encounter, the Union forces withdrew and supported the last loss of the war, an infantryman from Indiana. It was here that the Union blockade was felt maybe generally acutely. The Unions main objective in the war was to inhibit the south, blockading all ports so they couldnt get merchandise in or out. Confederate army in Texas progressively comprehended the significance of cotton in its capacity to protect Texas from the Union forces. Furthermore, it was here where longstanding cross-outskirt competitions and moving political fortunes on the two sides of the stream made for a consistent propensity of interest. The confederates moved over a million of dollars worth of cotton through Mexico. But then, most records of this long and bleeding struggle given short shrift to the complexities of the ethnic strains, political moving, and worldwide strategy that distinctively hued the Civil War in the Rio Grande Valley.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Ansoff Matrix on Apple - 1154 Words

soff MatMarket Penetration: -The signature product that made Apple, Apple, was the Macintosh. It first had a famous Television Advertisement in the US in 1984 introducing its signature product the Macintosh. This was led by Anya Major who was chased by agents of Thought Police, threw a sledgehammer into the screen of big brother David Graham. At the end, it says, â€Å"Apple Computer will introduce Macintosh. And you’ll see why 1984 won’t be like 1984.† This screen of big brother David Graham supposedly represented IBM, but the production crew says that it is not exactly the case. This could be a really good ad because its a very catchy commercial, and these people were famous at this time. This would attract people to buy this product†¦show more content†¦This was a big development in history. Computers can now be brought to different places, and is very easy handy, in a sense. This was named the PowerBook, which was very portable. These were hugely successful, which captured 40 o f all laptop sales for the first series. More product developments arose as the Macbook and MacBook Pro came along. Now even with the retina display, and much more features. Market Development: -These were first released in the US, and was a really great hit. They continued developing these products of theirs and as their reputation was getting so famous, there were more and more stores opened, and resellers as well. There are already so much Apple stores in the world, and lately, they opened in Hong Kong, having one of the biggest Apple Stores in the world. By the mere fact that these products have reached the other side of the globe, that already indicates market development, mainly via expansion. Even if there is no Apple store here in the Philippines since the architecture of this is really expensive, there are still apple resellers which make it possible to have apple products in the Philippines, even without Apples operations here in the Philippines. Diversification: -One example is from computers to music devices such as the iPod, which was a hit, and an iTouch. These were risks in the market which proved to be successful in the end. Apple started as a company which madeShow MoreRelatedAnsoff Matrix on Apple1170 Words   |  5 Pagessoff MatMarket Penetration: -The signature product that made Apple, Apple, was the Macintosh. It first had a famous Television Advertisement in the US in 1984 introducing its signature product the Macintosh. This was led by Anya Major who was chased by agents of Thought Police, threw a sledgehammer into the screen of big brother David Graham. At the end, it says, â€Å"Apple Computer will introduce Macintosh. And you’ll see why 1984 won’t be like 1984.† This screen of big brother David Graham supposedlyRead MoreAnsoff Matrix of Apple and Value Chain Essay791 Words   |  4 PagesSales - increased by Product in 2010 – (Financial Table 3.4 amp; 3.5) (21) | *Apple pricing decoy(27)*Apple amp; Microsoft joint force(28)*Apple pushed iPhone for business(29) | | New | Market Development | Diversification | | | *New market for Apple(24)*Consumers cloud market(25)*Developing a low cost market-Telecom (Macs)(26) | *First mover advantage-IPods (66)*Multi-Product Strategy(20)*Diversification of apple(67) | A-FIRM INFRASTRUCTURE:- 1) Firm operates its business by 5 reportableRead Moreansoff applied to apple inc948 Words   |  4 Pagesï » ¿ANSOFF MATRIX MARKETING STRATEGY The Ansoff Product-Market Growth Matrix is a marketing tool created by Igor Ansoff. The Ansoff matrix is a marketing tool that allows marketers to consider ways to grow business via existing and/or new products in existing and/or new markets. The ansoff matrix helps companies decide what course of action should be taken given current performance. The Ansoff s matrix provides a very simple but very effective focus for considering different options for growth, andRead MoreP1 P2 Unit 3 Introduction to Marketing1409 Words   |  6 PagesAccording to, the Ansoff Product-Market Growth Matrix is an instrument in marketing that was developed by Igor Ansoff. In the Ansoff matrix, it allows the marketers to look at different ways to grow the business through existing products and markets and new products and markets. Moreover, the matrix is composed of four various strategies: - Market Penetration- market penetration is composed of existing products and markets, it occurs when an organisation enters an existing market with currentRead MoreP1 Unit 31432 Words   |  6 PagesIn this assignment I will be comparing both Apple and Starbucks to find out how marketing techniques are used to market products. I will include an Ansoff’s Matrix, survival strategies, branding and relationship marketing. Marketing – is the process in which the producers of goods and services focus on satisfying the needs of the consumers. Also marketing is the social process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating and exchanging products and value with othersRead MoreAnsoff Matrix1576 Words   |  7 PagesAssignment title: ANSOFF MATRIX 08/04/2015 Tanju Colak AccountID: 70446465 1 Tanju Colak (70446465) – Betriebswirtschaftliche und volkswirtschaftliche Grundlagen 1. Introduction In 2003, the author Lynch suggested that the Ansoff Matrix describes the market and product choices available to a company. In this context products may be determined as items sold to customers and markets as customers. In some cases, the Ansoff Matrix is also defined as the market and product matrix. With the help ofRead MoreHow Marketing Techniques Are Used For Market Products1055 Words   |  5 Pagesgoing to look at apple, a private sector business, and the Samsung is also a private sector business. Marketing is the management process that a business carries out, it is responsible for identifying anticipating and satisfying the customer’s requirements, and to help the business to make a profit. Apple is an American electronics company that sells phones, laptops, computers, and iPod. They are a business that works in the private sector, they have no government input. 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Marketing is the process by which an individual or a group obtain that identifies and meet the needs of the customers whilst making a profit. 2) For both companies describe what they sell and what type of businesses they are. Apple is a multinational technology company that designs, develops and sells consumer electronics, computer softwareRead MoreBusiness1400 Words   |  6 PagesMarketing is the action or business of promoting and selling products or services, including market research and advertising. Apple Marketing objectives: Aims Objectives: Apples aim and objectives are to be able to become the leading business in the mobile market, expanding their distribution network to reach more consumers, and to create more company revenue than their competitors. Marketing aims objectives: To continuously make and improve new generations of products.

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Educational Outings Free Essays

Educational Outings- L2B Leeds Tropical World This is a very popular Tropical Haven where you will find a range of exotic fish, reptiles and Birds from all around the world, all in various theamed room’s to match their natural environment such as- The Butterfly Room- This room holds up to 40 different varieties of butterflies and it is also an ideal place for them to breed in a mature habitat. Step Ashore- This is the room which is based on a tropical island where many animals will be found in what appears to be there natural environment. The Amazon Tank- In this room there are many different species of tropical fish from all around the world. We will write a custom essay sample on Educational Outings or any similar topic only for you Order Now Desert House and Meerkats- This is the room where you are introduced to many different species of birds from places such as south America and the Canaries. Amazon South America tank- This room holds rare whistling ducks in its ponds creating an Amazonian environment. Creature Corner- This room involves many reptiles such as lizards, snakes and tortoises and many other reptiles. What will children learn from tropical world? Tropical world will introduce a child to animal’s in what appears to be their natural habitat, they will see a range of reptiles, birds, fish plants and gardens all in what apperas to be their home. This will help children learn activley and it will give them a better understanding of animal life. It will give them an oppourtunity to learn activley outside of the classroom, seeing smelling and hearing instead of reading out of a book. Tropical Room’s- Birds eye view of tropical world Potential Hazards- Ponds/Swamps- People could slip or trip into the water causing a fatal injury, minor injury or worse. Rocks from walls- Rocks could fall off the wall and onto the walk way and cause someone to trip and injure themselves. Ropes on Bridges- People could fall onto the ropes and fall over them or get rope burn from them. Steps- People could Trip and fall over them. Risk Assessments for Hazards- Ponds/Swamps- Follow instructions and rules at all times to ensure safety to you and others, Stay within a safe distance of the water to be on the safe side. Rocks from walls- Be well aware of your surroundings and staff keep all rocks secure and safe. Ropes on Bridges- Stay aware and away from all ropes keep small children in sight at all times to avoid aany risks of an accident. Steps- Have signs marking where steps are such as ‘please mind the step’ in order to keep people aware. Educational Outings- Temple Newsam Temple newsam is a freindly open space environment with miles and miles of greenary, ponds, streams and rivers. There is also Temple Newsam House a historic land mark, Court with shops and The very popular temple Newsam Farm where part of the landscape is covered with various farm animals and settings of what farm life was like back in the day, Also a newly built park for childrens entertainment. Birds eye view of Temple newsam farm and house What will Children Learn from temple newsam? Children will learn a large amount from of useful things from a day out at Temple Newsam, The farm will teach the children all about farm animals, the environment they live in, the food they eat and how farm life used to be. They will learn from a variety of historic farm setting’s, the animals there pens and the descriptions situated around the farm. The historic house will walk the children back in time as they move from room to room and it will teach them all about how the past owners and their families lived in their time. Potential Hazards- Slipping on animal mess- If animal mess is lying around people could slep on it causing themseves harm. Falling into animals pen- If the fencing around the animals are too low then people could fall into the pen or children could climb in. Getting bitten by an animal- If people put their hands into the pens they could be bitten by one of the animals if they are not careful. Tripping over steps- In the house courtyard or farm people could trip over steps. Risk Assessments for Hazards- Slipping on Animal mess- Farm keeps should ensure that all animal mess is cleared from visitors walk ways as quick as possible. Falling into animals pen- Ensure that the fences of pens are a resonable height to prevent people from falling in or leave signs up warning of low fencing. Getting bitten by an animal- Leave signs warning people not to feed the animals if there is a danger of being bitten . Tripping over steps- Put clear signs up ‘mind your step’ to be sure people will see it and hopefully avoid tripping. TEMPLE NEWSAM HOUSE TEMPLE NEWSAM FARM TEMPLE NEWSAM COURTYARD ONE OF MANY GARDENS TEMPLE NEWSAMS HISTORIC HOUSE AND ROOMS Educational Outings- Leeds museum Royal Armories Leeds museum of Royal Armories is memorabilia from different era’s of past wars, showing members of the public Arms, Armours, Artillery and different military atire. This museum consists of 40AD Befor the Romans, 400AD Twilight of the Roman City, 1080AD Conquerors of Castle, 1200AD The Castle Enlarged, 1240AD The Classic Castle, 1300AD Apogee of the Medieval Castle, 1547AD The Tudor Power House, 1700AD Showplace of the nation, 1841AD The Great Conflagration, 1890AD Remedievalisation of the castle, 1940AD The castle at war, 2000AD the tower at war. These memories are kept safe to hold to teach future generations. Leeds Royal Armories Birds eye view BIRDS EYE VIEW OF ROYAL ARMORIES MAIN ENTRANCE What will children learn from here? From the Royal Armories children will learn all about past wars, how they worked, how they fought, what they fought with and how they dressed. They will be able to study them and increase their knowlegde of them. They will learn all about the Medieval times whilst working amoungst friends gaining social skills. Potential Hazards- Slippery floors- People Could slip over if there has been a spillage or the floors have just been cleaned/mopped. Car Parks- If people are not being aware whilst driving or walking through the car park their could be an accident. Statues- Statues could be knocked over causing breakage or knocking into someone causing injury. Weapons- if the weapons are knocked over they could cause somebody harm or damage to other parts of the museum. Risk Assessments for Hazards- Slippery floors- Put up a wet floor sign after cleaning or a spillage until the floor is completly dry. Car Parks- Be aware of the cars in the car park and watch where your going at all times to prevent crashes or other accidents. Statues- Leave signs up ‘Do not touch’ keep an eye on children at all times to prevent people from touching the statues. Weapons- Put signs up ‘Do not touch’ and ensure that they are secure in the museum to prevent accidents. How to cite Educational Outings, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Property Developments Julian - Sol and Daniel.

Questions: 1. What common law duty and statutory duty if any has Julian breached? 2. What common law or statutory duty have Sol and Daniel breached? 3. If the directors have breached their duties do any of them have a defence and if not what are the consequences for them? Answers: 1. Fiduciary duty of Loyalty Under the common law he director has been placed with a fiduciary duty. This duty includes the duty to act with grim loyalty to the company. Under the common law a director is a fiduciary of a company and it is expected that they will not enter into any transaction that they stand to benefit from or which they have an interest in. This basic common law duty was held in Aberdeen Railway Co v Blaikie Brothers (1854) where the court decided that a director should not take part in self dealing. The court further held that any transaction that is conducted by a director who has an interest in it shall be voidable and be terminated at the will of the company. Julian had a personal interest in the contract for the sale of land because his aim was not exonerate his uncle Gerald from the bank loan misery, although he did not stand to gain any material benefit. It can thus be conceded that Julian has breached this this common law duty. Duty to Avoid Conflict Pursuant to section 191(1) a director has been placed under a duty to void any material personal interstate in any in any issue that is related to the company affairs (Corporation Act 2001). This section requires that where there is such an interest, the director must disclose it by way of notice to other directors. It is evident that Julian did not disclose that he had a personal interest in the contract for the sale of land. In McGellin v Mount King Mining NL (1998) the court held that the test that is applied is whether a reasonable person will be convinced that the interest affected the judgment of the director. Julian was affected by the interest because he went on to vote for the decision during the board meeting. According S192(1) to notice of any personal interest must be in writing and be given during a directors meeting. The notice must explain suffieciently for the board of director to clearly understand the interest (Camelot Resources v MacDonald,1994). There has been no evidence that a notice has been supplied by Julian. Duty not to make improper use of information By dint of s183(1) a director must not obtain any information from the company for his own personal advantage or for the advantage of some else (Corporation Act 2001). In Commissioner for Corporate Affairs v Green (1978) the court insisted that the information must be used for the advantage of the director or someone else. It is evident that that Julian used information from the company to benefit his brother Raphael so that he may win the tender. This is contrary to the corporation act and Julian is thus in breached of the duty under s183 (1). 2. Duty of care Directors have the common law duty to exercise their responsibilities and duty with reasonable care and due diligence. In Daniels v AWA (1992) the court affirmed this common law duty by holding that the directors have the moral imperative to take reasonable measures to ensure that they oversee the operations activities of the company. In Australian Securities Commission v Gallagher (1993) the court held that the standard of care and skill that was expected was that of an ordinary person in the same position as the director. Sol and Daniel were reckless as to the fact they were required professionally to conduct an independent valuation and thus were in breach of the duty of skill and care expected of the directors. Duty to act with reasonable care and Due Diligence Pursuant to S180 (1) a director has been vested with the obligation to act with reasonable care and due diligence in a manner that any reasonable person would do (Corporation Act 2001). In ASIC v MacDonald (2009) the court held that the test that should be applied is an objective one where the question will be what an ordinary person who has the same professional experience and expertise as the defendant would do in the same circumstance. It has also been held that the standard of care is judged by what a prudent person would do in similar circumstances. Sol and Daniel expected to exercise skill and care in their duty to oversee the companys activities and they failed to do so. A reasonable and prudent person having an ordinary skill as is expected of them would have conducted an independent valuation of the land and would ensure that they are aware of all the operation of the company but they failed to do so and have not been keen with the operations of the company (Re City Equitabl e Fire Insurance Co, 1925). Furthermore, in Daniels v AWA (1992) the court insisted that the director of a company must keep himself informed of all activities and operation that go on in a company. It is imperative to note that the court in Vines v ASIC (2007) noted that common law application of the duty of care and due diligence is similar to the statutory application in Australia. 3. Consequences for Breach In law it is a general principle that ignorance of the law is not a defense and therefore the directors cannot claim innocent mistake because they did not know understand the legal position of the director duties. The only practical defense that would be applicable for the breach of section 191(1) would be that the director had given a sufficient notice of the conflict of interest but this has not been given by Julian. A breach of section S180 (1) on the duty of reasonable care and due diligence invites a civil penalty and a criminal liability 5 years imprisonment or fine of $200, 000. A breach pursuant to section 191(1) attracts a civil penalty of 10 units or an imprisonment of 3 months or both. If the breach of the duty of care causes a detriment to the company the director may be required to pay for the detriment caused or return any benefit that he has incurred to the company inform of damages. References Aberdeen Railway Co v Blaikie Brothers [1854] UKHL 1 ASIC v Macdonald (No 12) [2009] NSWSC Australian Securities Commission v Gallagher (1994) 11 WAR 105 AWA Ltd v Daniels (1992) 7 ACSR 759 Camelot Resources Ltd v MacDonald (1994) 14 ACSR 437 Corporate Affairs Commission v. Green [1978] VR 505 Corporation Act 2001 (cth) McGellin v Mount King Mining NL (1998) 144 FLR 228 Re City Equitable Fire Insurance Co [1925] Ch 407 Vines v ASIC [2007] NSWCA 75